Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Snooker Balls

Snooker Ball sets for the sport of snooker look at first glance like a mixture of American- and British-style pool balls. There are twenty-two snooker balls in total, arranged as a rack of fifteen unmarked reds, six coloursnooker balls placed at various predetermined spots on the table, and a white cue ball. The colour balls are sometimes numbered American-style, with their point values, for the amateur/home market. They are numbered as follows:

2. Yellow

3. Green

4. Brown

5. Blue

6. Pink

7. Black

Snooker Balls are technically standardized at 52.5 mm (approximately 21⁄15 in) in diameter within a tolerance of plus or minus 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) No standard weight is defined, but all balls in the set must be the same weight within a tolerance of 3 g. However, many sets are actually 21⁄16 in. (a little under 52.4 mm), even from major manufacturers. Snooker sets are also available with considerably smaller-than-regulation balls (and even with ten instead of fifteen reds) for play on smaller tables (down to half-size), and are sanctioned for use in some amateurleagues

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